Thus, type VII collagen is abundantly present in SSc patients' dermis, a location not characteristic of its normal distribution, and its aberrant expression may relate to the presence of TGF-beta in the same topographic distribution
The presence of type VII collagen in the dermis may contribute to the tightly bound and indurated appearance of the affected skin in Oxygen-collagen priority and the early metazoan fossil record.The thesis is developed that a low oxygen level Precambrian atmosphere presented early-evolving metazoan organisms with physiological connective tissue priorities resulting from the important molecular oxygen requirements in the biosynthesis of collagen hydroxyproline. benefits of collagen , cuticles, and carapaces which are not mandatory metazoan prerequisites but which directly or indirectly demand substantial connective tissue collagen are oxygen expensive, low priority features. A marked increase in atmospheric oxygen level near the beginning of the Paleozoic would eliminate oxygen-collagen priorities simultaneously and on a world-wide basis in all metazoan stocks providing evolutionary pressure for enlarged musculatures and associated "hard parts." This could explain the sudden presence in the fossil record of the early Cambrian of advanced and diversified metazoans, the earlier forms of which were essentially unpreservable.8598.
J Endocrinol. 1981;89 Suppl:19P-32P.Oestrogen biosynthesis in the pregnant mare.Preparedness against pandemic influenza: Production of an oil-in-water emulsion Increasing pandemic influenza vaccine manufacturing capacity is considered strategic by WHO. Adjuvant use is key in this strategy in order to spare the vaccine doses and by increasing immune protection. collagenous describe here the production and stability studies of a squalene based oil-in-water emulsion, adjuvant IB160, and the immune response of the H7N9 vaccine combined with IB160. To qualify the production of IB160 we produced 10 consistency lots of IB160 and the average results were: pH 6±05; squalene 48±3 mg/ml; osmolality 47±6 mmol/kg; Z-average 157±2 nm, with polydispersity index (PDI) of 085±024 and endotoxin levels <0 EU/mL.
The emulsion particle size was stable for at least six months at 25°C and 24 months at 4-8°C. Two doses of H7N9 vaccine formulated at 7 μg/dose or 15 μg/dose with adjuvant IB160 showed a significant increase of hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) titers in sera of immunized BALB/c mice when compared to control sera from animals immunized with the H7N9 antigens without adjuvant. Thus the antigen-sparing capacity of IB160 can potentially increase the production of the H7N9 pandemic vaccine and represents an important achievement for preparedness against pandemic influenza and a successful North (IDRI) to South (Butantan Institute) technology transfer for the production of the adjuvant emulsion IB160.Conflict of interest statement: The authors have declared that no competing High molecular weight collagen: a long-lived intermediate in the biogenesis of Veis A, Anesey JR, Garvin JE, Dimuzio MT.8601. Acta Orthop Scand Suppl. 1995 Oct;266:183-8.
Collagen propeptides as indicators of collagen assembly.Collagen stabilization induced by natural humic substances.Humic substances are polyphenolic compounds. They have antiviral as well as desmutagenic effects and react with biopolymers such as collagen; thereby they have no toxic side effects by oral administration. In vitro incubation with humic substances raises the breaking point of the tail tendon of the rat by about 75%. The chemical resistance of the collagen fibres in tail tendon collagen is also increased by in vitro incubation with humic substances, at least insofar as the ultrastructurally and biophysically measurable destruction of the collagen fibres by 4 M guanidinium chloride is inhibited. As humic substances increase the mechanical and chemical resistance of collagen fibres and promote their "maturity", it seems likely that this effect of humic substances depends upon their interaction with the hydrogen bonding and covalent bonding of the collagen fibres.

Such a conclusion is confirmed by the results of Type VI collagen mutations in Bethlem myopathy, an autosomal dominant myopathy Among the diverse family of collagens, the widely expressed microfibrillar type VI collagen is believed to play a role in bridging cells with the extracellular matrix. Several observations imply substrate properties for cell attachment as well as association with major collagen fibers. Previously, we have established genetic linkage between the genes encoding the three constituent alpha-chains of type VI collagen and Bethlem myopathy. A distinctive feature of this autosomal dominant disorder consists of contractures of multiple joints in addition to generalized muscular weakness and wasting. Nine kindreds show genetic linkage to the COL6A1-COL6A2 cluster on chromosome 21q22 (refs 3,4; manuscript submitted) whereas one family shows linkage to markers on chromosome 2q37 close to COL6A3 (ref. 5). Sequence analysis in four families reveals a mutation in COL6A1 in one and a COL6A2 mutation in two other kindreds.
Both mutations disrupt the Gly-X-Y motif of the triple helical domain by substitution of Gly for either Val or Ser.