Under our experimental conditions, UVB irradiation alone induced neither changes in total collagen nor in type I and III collagen levels
tRA treatment of irradiated skin significantly increased both type I and III collagen levels by factors of 13 and 18 respectively. The ratio of type III to types I + III increased significantly. what is collagen increased collagen type levels in non-irradiated hairless mouse skin. Type I collagen increased proportionally to type III. This study leads to the conclusion that topical tRA exerts direct or indirect effects on collagen metabolism in irradiated as well as non-irradiated hairless mouse Complete exon-intron organization and chromosomal location of the gene for mouse type XIII collagen (col13a1) and comparison with its human homologue.Recent findings indicate that type XIII collagen is a transmembrane protein with a short N-terminal sytocsolic domain, a single transmembrane domain and a large, mainly collagenous ectodomain.
The complete exon-intron structure of the gene coding for the mouse alpha1(XIII) collagen chain, col13a1, has now been characterized from genomic clones spanning over 180 kilobases (kb) and shown to be approximately 135 kb in size and to contain 42 exons varying between 8 base pairs (bp), the shortest exon in the genes encoding the various collagens, and 836 bp. Nuclease S1 mapping and 5'RACE resulted in identification of multiple transcription initiation points in the mouse gene, ranging between 470 and 548 bp upstream from the initiation methionine. This is in good agreement with a recently identified human EST clone extending 537 bp upstream from the initiation methionine. The 836-bp first exon of the mouse gene covers both the long 5' untranslated region and also a 36-residue cytosolic portion, a 23-residue transmembrane domain, and 37 residues of the 60-residue non-collagenous ectodomain immediately adjacent to the plasma membrane. One striking feature of the exons encoding solely collagenous sequences is the abundance of 27-bp exons, half the ancestral 54-bp size characteristic of fibrillar collagen genes, while the others vary between 8 and 144 bp, including instances of 36-, 45- and 54-bp exons. Determination of approximately 2 kb of sequences upstream of the initiation methionine of both the mouse and human genes and the identification of a clone containing four exons and spanning a gap in the previously characterized human clones allowed detailed comparison of the two genes. The exon-intron structures were found to be completely conserved between the species, and both genes have their 5' untranslated region preceded by a highly homologous apparent promoter region of approximately 350 bp containing a modified TATAA motif and several GC boxes.
The chromosomal location of the mouse gene was determined by SSCP and fluorescence in situ hybridization and found to be at chromosome 10, band 4, between markers D1OMit5 -2 +/- 1 cM -col13a1 - 3+/-1 cM - D1OMit15. This result indicates that the mouse type XIII collagen gene and its human counterpart are located in chromosomal segments with conserved syntenies (The GenBank accession numbers for the mouse gene are AF063666-AF063693. The new GenBank accession number for the 5' end of the human [Method of preparation of tissue engineering and cell cultivation collagen by Kukhareva LV, Shamolina II, Polevaia EV.Seven methods of preparation of intact native collagen with telopeptides by acid extraction of calf skin have been compared; the hide was first dehaired by original mild enzymatical method using Bacillus licheniformis protease. The noncollagenous proteins and proteoglycans were previously removed by different ways and collagen was extracted by acid solvents and purified by salt precipitation. The dynamic of noncollagen impurities removing was followed by noncollagen proteins and hexuronic acids analysis in extracts. The purity of the resulting collagen was determined by polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis.
The gel-forming capacity of the collagen was determined and the suitability of the product for tissue engineering was estimated by cultivation of fibroblasts and cardyomyocytes of new-born rats on collagen gells. All collagens obtained were not cytotoxic and had good gel-forming capacity. The preparation method with noncollagen impurities removing with 02 M K2HPO4 and collagen solution with 0 M acetic acid and 5 mM EDTA proved to be the best by final yield of the product and cell reaction to it. Hence, the optimal variant of collagen preparation method has been developed. collagen supplementation on this Effect on collagen metabolism of thrombolytic therapy with tissue-plasminogen activator. A randomized, placebo-controlled study.This paper assesses alterations in collagen metabolism following thrombolytic therapy of acute myocardial infarction with tissue-plasminogen activator.
Sequential serum measurements of the amino-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen (S-PIIINP) and the carboxyterminal propeptide of type I collagen (S-PICP) in patients suspected of acute myocardial infarction randomized to tissue-plasminogen activator or placebo were used. S-PIIINP increased at 3 h in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with tissue-plasminogen activator (P < 05). S-PIIINP was higher in patients treated with tissue-plasminogen activator compared with placebo-treated patients at 3 and 6 h (P < 05).